Applus Velosi Salary and Hourly Rates
Average Salaries
The average Applus Velosi hourly pay ranges from approximately $36 per hour estimate. The average Applus Velosi salary ranges from approximately $22,443 per year estimate for a Personal Assistant to.
Specific Salaries
17 salaries for 15 jobs at Applus Velosi in Saudi Arabia. 4 Salaries for 4 job titles Updated 2 Oct 2022
How much do Applus Velosi employees make?
The salary trajectory of a QA QC Engineer ranges between locations and employers. The salary starts at $81,407 per year.
About Applus Velosi
Applus is one of the world's leading testing, inspection, and certification companies. A free inside look at Applus Velosi monthly pay trends based on 87 monthly pay wages for 2 jobs at Applus Velosi.